Image of Open Bible
9:30 AMSunday School
We are a Safe Sanctuary Church.  
Our Sunday School program meets from 9:30a.m. to 10:30a.m. each Sunday in the church hall. 
Our program consists of the following components:
Prayer, Bible stories, Arts and Crafts, Music and Movement and Snack time.  The program that guides our weekly lessons is Deep Blue-published by Cokesbury. It is a developmental curriculum that teaches young children about their Christian faith.  The children experience age appropriate Bible stories while enjoying hands-on activities in a friendly atmosphere.  Once a month the children enjoy singing to the congregation under the direction of Miss Becky our music teacher.  The children at Harbeson Methodist Church have lots of fun while they develop their faith and love of Jesus Christ.

9:30 AMSunday Church Service
Come join us this Sunday
September 15, 2024
This Week's Message 
 Mark 12:28-34