Items Needed for Free Food Pantry
~ Tuna, Chicken Packets, Pouches or
Small Cans
~ Small Cans, Pop Tarts
~ Things that can be eaten without
heating up: Cans of Ravioli, etc.
~ Boost, Juices, Pouches
~ Crackers in packages easily divided,
Cookies in packets Small size
~ Peanut Butter
~ Pasta, Sauce
~ Small boxes of Cereal
~ Pudding, Fruit Cups
~ Loaves of Bread
~ Canned Vegetables
Thanks for bringing in
any of these items to share!
"Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you?"
The King will answer and say to them,
"Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it
for one of the least of these
brothers or sisters of Mine,
you did it for Me."
(Matthew 25:37-40)